No to $$$, Yes to Time Here


There’s seven days to go. It’s not your dollars that will make a difference now. It’s your time. Here’s a simple answer for where to make a difference and what to do. 

Yes you will keep getting donation requests all the way through election day. It may not be popular to say, but here’s the truth- stop giving money. With a week to go, campaigns are 100% focused on get out the vote efforts. But that doesn’t mean you can just tune out. Now is the time to donate something equally as important and often harder to do. Your time. You don’t need to do 10 things. You need to do just one today.

Where to make a difference:

Donating your time means you need to find a cause you care about. It might be supporting a US House race that Dems can win to ensure a Democratic majority. It might be a state legislature race in a presidential battleground state. It might be a race in your own state. Use our Search to make this easy.

Search for any state or any chamber to find the top ranked races where your time can make a difference. Find a race, then head to the campaign and click the Volunteer button. Every campaign needs support to turn out voters in this final week. 

Three options for doing one thing today:
Just one action today can set you on a path to donating your time in this final week. If you’ve volunteered before, do it one last time. If you haven’t, make yourself uncomfortable and push yourself to do just one thing. I’ll never forget feeling in 2016 that I should have done more. You don’t have to feel that way because we have one more week to make a difference. And the data tells us, there is nothing more powerful than speaking one on one with neighbors, friends, family and fellow citizens to get out the vote. Pick one thing to do:

  1. Sign Up for 1 morning of door knocking
  2. Sign Up for 1 evening of phone banking
  3. Ask 3 friends or family if they plan to vote

Yes, you can still make a difference. Search with Flip the States, then donate your time to get out the vote. You can do it. Be brave. Because, like Kamala told us, when we fight, we win. 


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Your money and time matters so make sure it counts when you donate it. If you like what we’re doing, please share Flip the States with a friend and ask them to sign up so they get recommendations like these. 

If you love what we are doing, send us a donation to help fund the work. We’re a registered 501c4 nonprofit and never take from donations that go directly to the candidates you choose to support.

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